Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Espanol II el 18 de Octubre

 Chicos - this week, we will review the past tense and its related vocabulary. If you are absent, go to this week's digitsl session in CTLS to find related class notes in the lesson resources. 

Espanol para Nativos - Semana del 11/18

 El martes, el 19 de octubre es la fecha limite para entregar el proyecto " Ayer fue un Dia Terible" Tambien en esta fecha van a escribir un poema titulado "Mi Autoretrato" . Este socumento esta en el CTLS en los recursos de la sesion digital de esta semana. 

Monday, October 4, 2021

Spanish II - week of 10/4

 Chicos - Welcome back ! This week we will wrap up our review of Saber vs. Conocer as well work with Direct and Indirect Objects.. We will also explore verbs that have a similar grammatical structure to Saber and Conocer. We will have a until test on Friday. Make sure to review your Quizlet study sets on these topics.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Spanish II - el jueves, el 30 de septiembre

 Chicos - Tenemos “Fall break” la semang que viene . We have Fall break next week!  I hope you are looking forward to a week off . Remember to review the two new verbs we learned “Saber y Conocer “ which both mean to know . You can practice these verbs  on Quizlet and in your assigned VHL exercises. Also complete test on your Quizlet study set on all lesson 6 vocabulary “ La ropa” due 9/24.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Spanish II - 9/13

 Chicos - make sure you submitted your work  ( Forms link below and video ) from Friday on the Seasons and the Weather https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-x3OL5-ROEmquMR_D8kYLWl1CSXKn59FgKl5Bj4l8xFUNVo0U1VQSVU4VFpBTjc2Q0xCNjlROVJYVy4u

This week we start a segment on clothing - Please takes notes and handout from class and complete Page 59 in Workbook for "Tarea' for tonight. Gracias

Monday, August 30, 2021

Spanish II - Week of 8/30

Chicos hoy repasamos los números, la palabras " Cuantos/ Cuantas" y " Hay", y el presente progressivo.  Please see the lesson resources section for presentations and handouts.